Happy Days Salisbury Raises Money For The Haemophilia Society

1 mins
Apr 30, 2024

On the 16th and 17th of April, Happy Days Salisbury created a fundraising event for a little boy with Haemophilia in their care.

Joshua’s mum said- ‘shortly before Josh’s first birthday last year he was diagnosed with Severe Haemophilia A. This is a genetic bleeding disorder in which it takes longer for bleeding to stop and bleeding can occur on joints without having had an injury. This came as a shock to us and marked the start of a lifetime of treatment and care, but we have received outstanding support from the NHS and Nursery in his care.’

Tuesday 16th April is Josh’s birthday and falls just the day before World Haemophilia Day. So to mark these occasions and to raise awareness of bleeding disorders, Happy Days nurseries & Pre-Schools invited the children to wear red on Tuesday 16th, raise money, share some tasty treats and talk about Josh’s condition.

Together with Josh’s mum, Happy Days Salisbury raised in total £224!

Messages from Lorna, Joshua’s mum – “A huge thank you to you all! We are overwhelmed by your support for World Haemophilia Day, it was amazing to see all the children and staff wearing red! You have helped us raise £224 for The Haemophilia Society! Thank you so much, it means so much to our family and will go along way to support others affected by bleeding disorders.”

If you feel able to donate to this incredible charity, please click here. If you’d like to learn more about Haemophilia, please click here.