Here at Happy Days August is always a happy and sad time as we celebrate and say goodbye to our school leavers with our Graduation Events. This year our children have benefited from our unique Journey to a Positive Transition to School Programme which supports them to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes that reception class teachers highlight are important for children to achieve so that they are ready to start school. This enables all our school leavers to be confident to start school independent, curious and ready to learn.
Many of our school leavers have been with us since they were babies and we have had a positive impact on their first five years, which is why we are supporting the NDNAs #firstfiveyearscount campaign which aims to highlight how crucial the first five years are to the development and well-being of our youngest children and how nurseries and the early years workforce have an impact that lasts a lifetime.
Our colleagues really do Inspire the Future and deserve the recognition and thanks for all that they do to make the first five years of a child’s life count.
You can learn more about the #firstfiveyearscount campaign here and find out more about our exclusive Journey to a Positive Transition to School Programme here.