Happy Days Nurseries & Pre-School Charlton Heights Graduation Ceremony!

1 mins
Jul 29, 2024

Children at Happy Days Nurseries & Pre-School Charlton Heights had their Graduation Ceremony on Saturday!

With over 60 attendees and 19 Children graduating, it was an absolutely fantastic day. We’re so grateful to everyone who joined us in celebrating the final step of our Transition To School Programme. The graduates took on a 16 week programme that helped them get ready for the next step, school!

All of the Children will be missed greatly but we wish them well on their next learning adventure.

If you’d like to learn more about the Positive Transition To School section within our curriculum, please click here.


Happy Days Nurseries & Pre-School Charlton Heights achieves 5*

1 mins
Jan 18, 2024

We are super happy to announce that our Happy Days Nurseries & Pre-School Charlton Heights Chef, Karina has achieved a 5* this week during her EHO inspection!

So, what is an EHO rating and what does it cover? Ratings are a snapshot of the standards of food hygiene found at the time of inspection.

This includes:

  • handling of food
  • how food is stored
  • how food is prepared
  • cleanliness of facilities
  • how food safety is managed

The hygiene standards found at the time of inspection are then rated on a scale: 5 is top of the scale, this means the hygiene standards are very good and fully comply with the law. We’re thrilled Karina did so well in her inspection and want to congratulate her on the success!

Happy Days Nurseries & Pre-Schools is delighted to announce a GOOD Ofsted result for Derriford

1 mins
Dec 22, 2023

Happy Days Nurseries & Pre-Schools is delighted to announce that our setting in Derriford has received a GOOD Ofsted result, following an unannounced inspection in early November. Opened in 2008, the nursery is situated in Derriford Business Park and offers children wonderfully spacious environments to support children’s learning and growth, with their own woodland area and outdoor space.

The report highlights how ‘children are cared for by welcoming and nurturing staff. Strong settling-in procedures and staff’s attentiveness to children’s care needs result in children who are happy and well settled. Staff have high expectations for all children. They help children to develop friendships with their peers and be kind to each other. Children behave extremely well. Staff are excellent role models.’

Zara Austin, Nursery Manager, shares her gratitude and pride for her team, “I am immensely proud of the team for their exceptional and consistent work and dedication to the children and families in our care”.  

If you want to work in this exceptional environment with our professional knowledgeable team or, are a parent looking for the best care and education for your child, then contact Zara, or the Derriford team, on 01752 786318 or email derriford@happydaysnurseries.com.