Join us for FREE Stay and Play Sessions!

We will be running our Let’s Grow programme where the children will have the opportunity to engage in planting and gardening activities, helping them develop their understanding of the natural world, begin to appreciate its beauty and learn to take care of it.

These sessions also provide parents with the opportunity to meet and connect with other local parents.
When: 10:00 – 11:00 on:
Friday 10 May | Let’s Grow for 2-3 yr olds
Friday 17 May | Let‘s Grow for 2-3 yr olds
Friday 24 May | Let‘s Grow for 3-5 yr olds
Friday 31 May | Let‘s Grow for 3-5yr olds
Booking essential, book early as places are limited

📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, Chessel Drive, Patchway, Bristol, BS34 5UZ
☎  Call: 0117 379 0360
📩  Email:


Gwnewch Ffrindiau Newydd a Chwarae yn The Hollies!

Chwilio am ofod meithrin i chi a’ch plentyn bach (0-2 oed) i gysylltu â rhieni eraill o Gaerdydd?

Mae Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies yn eich gwahodd yn gynnes i’n sesiwn Aros a Chwarae! Gadewch i’ch plentyn archwilio ein hamgylchedd diogel ac ysgogol sy’n llawn teganau, gemau a gweithgareddau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran – a’r cyfan o dan lygad barcud ein hymarferwyr meithrinfa profiadol.

Budd-daliadau i chi a’ch plentyn:

Mae ein sesiynau Aros a Chwarae yn cynnig:

Ymunwch â’n cymuned sy’n tyfu!

Dydd Mercher 29 Mai, 10am – 11am
Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies,9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Caerdydd, CF11 8DG
Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ar gael. RSVP heddiw! 
02920378177 neu


Free stay and play for under 2s at The Hollies, Cardiff

Looking for a nurturing space for you and your little one (aged 0-2) to connect with other Cardiff parents?

The Hollies Daycare Nursery warmly invites you to our Stay & Play session! Let your child explore our safe and stimulating environment filled with age-appropriate toys, games, and activities – all under the watchful eye of our experienced nursery practitioners.

Benefits for you and your child:

Our Stay & Play sessions offer:

Join our growing community!

Wednesday 29 May, 10am to 11am

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Arhosiad a chwarae am ddim i’r rhai dros 2 oed yn The Hollies, Caerdydd

Yn galw ar holl rieni Caerdydd sydd â phlant 2 oed a hŷn!

Chwilio am fore o chwarae llawn dychymyg a chysylltiadau cymdeithasol i’ch plentyn? Mae Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies yn eich gwahodd i’n sesiwn aros a chwarae am ddim cyffrous!

Dyma pam na fyddwch chi a’ch plentyn am ei golli:
▪  Spark dychymyg: Mae amgylchedd ein meithrinfa yn llawn gweithgareddau, gemau a theganau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran i danio creadigrwydd a chwilfrydedd eich plentyn.
▪  Gwneud ffrindiau newydd: Gadewch i’ch plentyn feithrin sgiliau cymdeithasol a chyfeillgarwch trwy chwarae rhyngweithiol gyda phlant eraill.
▪  Cysylltwch â rhieni eraill: Mwynhewch fore hamddenol gyda rhieni eraill Caerdydd tra bod eich plant yn archwilio ac yn cael hwyl.

Budd-daliadau i’ch plentyn:
▪  Datblygu sgiliau cymdeithasol trwy chwarae rhyngweithiol.
▪  Gwella datblygiad gwybyddol trwy weithgareddau ysgogol.
▪  Meithrin hyder trwy archwilio a darganfod.

Ymlaciwch a chysylltwch â rhieni eraill tra bod eich plentyn:
▪  Cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran.
▪  Gwneud ffrindiau newydd mewn amgylchedd diogel dan oruchwyliaeth.
▪  Yn cael hwyl ac yn dysgu trwy chwarae.

Ymunwch â’n cymuned sy’n tyfu!

Dydd Mercher 22 Mai, 10am – 11am
Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies,9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Caerdydd, CF11 8DG
Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ar gael. RSVP heddiw!
02920378177 neu


Free stay and play for over 2s at The Hollies, Cardiff

Calling all Cardiff parents with children aged 2 and over!

Looking for a morning of imaginative play and social connections for your child? Hollies Day Care Nursery invites you to our exciting free wait and play session!

Here’s why you and your child won’t want to miss it:

Benefits for your child:

Relax and connect with other parents while your child:

Join our growing community!

Wednesday 22 May, 10am to 11am

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Due to graduate College or University this summer and planning your next step? Learn if Early Years is for you!

Join us on May 22nd for our College and University Graduate Careers in Childcare Webinar to discover…

· Career Opportunities for College and University Graduates both with and without Early Years Qualifications.
· Ongoing Career Development Paths for College and University Graduates.
· Our “Summer of Fun” Student Employment Programme – offering Students guaranteed paid summer work!
· Q&A We’ll be there to answering all of your burning questions surrounding Early Years and helping you with next steps.

This is a great opportunity to get an insight into life within the nursery.

We’d love for you to join us! If you’d like to get in touch please contact or 07467 861712

Learn if Early Years is for you! Join us on May 11th to discover…
– Careers in Childcare
– Nursery Tours
– “Where Children Shine” – Curriculum
– Experience Workshops
– Next Steps
– Q&A
We’ll be there to answering all of your burning questions surrounding Early Years and helping you with next steps. This is a great opportunity to get an insight into life within the nursery.
We’d love for you to come and join us!
If you’d like to get in touch please contact or 07467 861712


Join us at Happy Days Truro City for our Free Boogie Mites Stay and Play for children aged 3+ years of age.   

This is a one off session, feel free to join us!

Session theme: Boogie Mites
Thursday 30 May from 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX

Science shows music boosts brain development in young children.
Join us for a FREE music class and intro to our Boogie Mites programme! 

Let the music move you! Sign up today!

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX
☎  Call: 01872 261 519
📩  Email:


Join us at Happy Days Truro City for our Free Music and Movement Stay and Play for children aged 2 to 3 years of age.   
This is a one off session, feel free to join us!

Session theme: Music and Movement
Tuesday 28 May from 10:00am to 11:00am
Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX

Whilst engaging in this programme children will be encouraged to interact in social groups with other children and adults. Music is a core component of children’s learning and at Happy Days we will support children to ensure they have broad, balanced and rounded experiences related to music. We know that all vocal communication is comprised of musical elements such as pitch, rhythm and timbre, demonstrating that musicality is an intrinsic part of being human.

Come and join us!

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX
☎  Call: 01872 261 519
📩  Email:


Join us at Happy Days Truro City for our Free Baby Massage Classes for babies up to the age of 12 months. 
This is a 6 week course, feel free to join us!

Session theme: Baby Massage –  6 week course
Tuesday 10 September from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX

The benefits of Baby Massage can include:

⭐ Improved communication between parents and baby
⭐ Help to calm baby’s emotions and relieve stress
⭐ Help babies develop an awareness of their body
⭐ Enhance parent’s ability to develop and understand their baby’s needs
⭐ Aid digestion and help relieve colic, wind, and constipation
⭐ Strengthen the immune system
⭐ Support bonding and attachment
⭐ A great chance to meet other new parents in the area!

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX
☎  Call: 01872 261 519
📩  Email:


Join us at Happy Days Truro City for our Free Baby Massage Classes for babies up to the age of 12 months. 
This is week 4 of a 6 week course, feel free to join us!

Session theme: Baby Massage
Friday 24 May from 10:00am to 11:00am
Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX

The benefits of Baby Massage can include:

⭐ Improved communication between parents and baby
⭐ Help to calm baby’s emotions and relieve stress
⭐ Help babies develop an awareness of their body
⭐ Enhance parent’s ability to develop and understand their baby’s needs
⭐ Aid digestion and help relieve colic, wind, and constipation
⭐ Strengthen the immune system
⭐ Support bonding and attachment
⭐ A great chance to meet other new parents in the area!

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX
☎  Call: 01872 261 519
📩  Email:


Join us at Happy Days Truro City for our Free Baby Massage Classes for babies up to the age of 12 months. 
This is week 6 of a 6 week course, feel free to join us!

Session theme: Baby Massage
Friday 7 June from 10:00am to 11:00am
Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX

The benefits of Baby Massage can include:

⭐ Improved communication between parents and baby
⭐ Help to calm baby’s emotions and relieve stress
⭐ Help babies develop an awareness of their body
⭐ Enhance parent’s ability to develop and understand their baby’s needs
⭐ Aid digestion and help relieve colic, wind, and constipation
⭐ Strengthen the immune system
⭐ Support bonding and attachment
⭐ A great chance to meet other new parents in the area!

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, College Road, Truro, TR1 3XX
☎  Call: 01872 261 519
📩  Email: