The Hollies Daycare Nursery Celebrates 1 Year with Happy Days and Unveils Stunning New Garden

1 mins
Jun 05, 2024

The Hollies Daycare Nursery in Cardiff is thrilled to celebrate one year of being part of the Happy Days Nurseries group. To mark this exciting milestone, they recently held a special event for parents, guests, and colleagues, which included the much-anticipated unveiling of their brand new garden space.

The celebration was a happy occasion, filled with laughter and excitement. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held, with Mrs James, from Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna, taking the honour. The new garden space was the star of the show, offering a beautiful and stimulating environment for children to play and explore.

“We are incredibly proud to celebrate one year as part of the Happy Days Nurseries Group” said Tracey Jones, Manager at The Hollies Daycare Nursery. “Being part of such a respected group has allowed us to further enhance the quality of care we provide to our children. The new garden space is a fantastic addition to our nursery, and we know the children will love spending time outdoors in this natural environment.”

The Hollies is now inviting parents interested in enrolling their children in a nurturing and stimulating daycare environment to get in touch. With a focus on both English and Welsh, The Hollies Daycare Nursery celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Wales and provides a welcoming environment for children who speak Welsh at home. Their dedicated team, excellent facilities, and now a beautiful new garden space make The Hollies Daycare Nursery the perfect place for young children to learn, grow, and play.

Ty Agored! Does dim angen archebu lle, galwch heibio pan allwch chi.

Dyddiad: Mercher, 17 Gorffennaf
Amser: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Archwiliwch ein cyfleusterau o’r radd flaenaf:

Dysgwch bopeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod:

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i chi weld ein meithrinfa a gofyn unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gennych. Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu chi a’ch teulu i The Hollies!

Does dim angen archebu lle – galwch heibio pan allwch chi!

 📍    Lle: The Hollies, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
 📞  Galwch: 02920 378 177


Open House! No need to book, just pop in when you can.

Date: Wednesday, 17 July
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Explore our state-of-the-art facilities:
– Tour our purpose-built nursery designed for your child’s learning and development.
– Meet our friendly and dedicated nursery team.

Learn everything you need to know:
– Early years funding options and fees
– Nursery opening hours and tour availability
– Nutritious meal plans and delicious menus
– Engaging early years curriculum
– …and much more!

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to see our nursery and ask any questions you may have. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to The Hollies!

No need to book – just pop in when you can!
📍  Where: The Hollies, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378 177
📩  Email:


Ty Agored! Does dim angen archebu lle, galwch heibio pan allwch chi.

Dyddiad: Mercher, 19 Mehefin
Amser: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Archwiliwch ein cyfleusterau o’r radd flaenaf:

Dysgwch bopeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod:

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i chi weld ein meithrinfa a gofyn unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gennych. Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu chi a’ch teulu i The Hollies!

Does dim angen archebu lle – galwch heibio pan allwch chi!

 📍    Lle: The Hollies, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
 📞  Galwch: 02920 378 177


Open House! No need to book, just pop in when you can.

Date: Wednesday, 19 June
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Explore our state-of-the-art facilities:
– Tour our purpose-built nursery designed for your child’s learning and development.
– Meet our friendly and dedicated nursery team.

Learn everything you need to know:
– Early years funding options and fees
– Nursery opening hours and tour availability
– Nutritious meal plans and delicious menus
– Engaging early years curriculum
– …and much more!

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to see our nursery and ask any questions you may have. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to The Hollies!

No need to book – just pop in when you can!
📍  Where: The Hollies, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378 177
📩  Email:


Ty Agored! Does dim angen archebu lle, galwch heibio pan allwch chi.

Dyddiad: Mercher, 22 Mai
Amser: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Archwiliwch ein cyfleusterau o’r radd flaenaf:

Dysgwch bopeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod:

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i chi weld ein meithrinfa a gofyn unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gennych. Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu chi a’ch teulu i The Hollies!

Does dim angen archebu lle – galwch heibio pan allwch chi!

 📍    Lle: The Hollies, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
 📞  Galwch: 02920 378 177


Open House! No need to book, just pop in when you can.

Date: Wednesday, 22 May 
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Explore our state-of-the-art facilities:
– Tour our purpose-built nursery designed for your child’s learning and development.
– Meet our friendly and dedicated nursery team.

Learn everything you need to know:
– Early years funding options and fees
– Nursery opening hours and tour availability
– Nutritious meal plans and delicious menus
– Engaging early years curriculum
– …and much more!

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to see our nursery and ask any questions you may have. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to The Hollies!

No need to book – just pop in when you can!
📍  Where: The Hollies, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378 177
📩  Email:


Gwnewch Ffrindiau Newydd a Chwarae yn The Hollies!

Chwilio am ofod meithrin i chi a’ch plentyn bach (0-2 oed) i gysylltu â rhieni eraill o Gaerdydd?

Mae Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies yn eich gwahodd yn gynnes i’n sesiwn Aros a Chwarae! Gadewch i’ch plentyn archwilio ein hamgylchedd diogel ac ysgogol sy’n llawn teganau, gemau a gweithgareddau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran – a’r cyfan o dan lygad barcud ein hymarferwyr meithrinfa profiadol.

Budd-daliadau i chi a’ch plentyn:

Mae ein sesiynau Aros a Chwarae yn cynnig:

Ymunwch â’n cymuned sy’n tyfu!

Dydd Mercher 29 Mai, 10am – 11am
Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies,9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Caerdydd, CF11 8DG
Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ar gael. RSVP heddiw! 
02920378177 neu


Free stay and play for under 2s at The Hollies, Cardiff

Looking for a nurturing space for you and your little one (aged 0-2) to connect with other Cardiff parents?

The Hollies Daycare Nursery warmly invites you to our Stay & Play session! Let your child explore our safe and stimulating environment filled with age-appropriate toys, games, and activities – all under the watchful eye of our experienced nursery practitioners.

Benefits for you and your child:

Our Stay & Play sessions offer:

Join our growing community!

Wednesday 29 May, 10am to 11am

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Arhosiad a chwarae am ddim i’r rhai dros 2 oed yn The Hollies, Caerdydd

Yn galw ar holl rieni Caerdydd sydd â phlant 2 oed a hŷn!

Chwilio am fore o chwarae llawn dychymyg a chysylltiadau cymdeithasol i’ch plentyn? Mae Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies yn eich gwahodd i’n sesiwn aros a chwarae am ddim cyffrous!

Dyma pam na fyddwch chi a’ch plentyn am ei golli:
▪  Spark dychymyg: Mae amgylchedd ein meithrinfa yn llawn gweithgareddau, gemau a theganau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran i danio creadigrwydd a chwilfrydedd eich plentyn.
▪  Gwneud ffrindiau newydd: Gadewch i’ch plentyn feithrin sgiliau cymdeithasol a chyfeillgarwch trwy chwarae rhyngweithiol gyda phlant eraill.
▪  Cysylltwch â rhieni eraill: Mwynhewch fore hamddenol gyda rhieni eraill Caerdydd tra bod eich plant yn archwilio ac yn cael hwyl.

Budd-daliadau i’ch plentyn:
▪  Datblygu sgiliau cymdeithasol trwy chwarae rhyngweithiol.
▪  Gwella datblygiad gwybyddol trwy weithgareddau ysgogol.
▪  Meithrin hyder trwy archwilio a darganfod.

Ymlaciwch a chysylltwch â rhieni eraill tra bod eich plentyn:
▪  Cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran.
▪  Gwneud ffrindiau newydd mewn amgylchedd diogel dan oruchwyliaeth.
▪  Yn cael hwyl ac yn dysgu trwy chwarae.

Ymunwch â’n cymuned sy’n tyfu!

Dydd Mercher 22 Mai, 10am – 11am
Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies,9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Caerdydd, CF11 8DG
Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ar gael. RSVP heddiw!
02920378177 neu


Free stay and play for over 2s at The Hollies, Cardiff

Calling all Cardiff parents with children aged 2 and over!

Looking for a morning of imaginative play and social connections for your child? Hollies Day Care Nursery invites you to our exciting free wait and play session!

Here’s why you and your child won’t want to miss it:

Benefits for your child:

Relax and connect with other parents while your child:

Join our growing community!

Wednesday 22 May, 10am to 11am

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Join us at The Hollies for a FREE Let’s Kick It! Session.

Let’s Kick It! is a 6 week programme to support and develop football skills in early years. The programme will focus on passing skills, dribbling, shooting and teamwork. At the end of each session, the children will receive a sticker to place on their Let’s Kick It chart.

This week’s theme: Football Match!
Thursday 11 April from 10:00am to 11:00am
Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Join us at The Hollies for a FREE Let’s Kick It! Session.

Let’s Kick It! is a 6 week programme to support and develop football skills in early years. The programme will focus on passing skills, dribbling, shooting and teamwork. At the end of each session, the children will receive a sticker to place on their Let’s Kick It chart.

This week’s theme: Teamwork
Thursday 4 April from 10:00am to 11:00am
Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG

Up coming sessions and themes:
Thursday 11 April: Football Match!

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Join us at The Hollies for a FREE Let’s Kick It! Session.

Let’s Kick It! is a 6 week programme to support and develop football skills in early years. The programme will focus on passing skills, dribbling, shooting and teamwork. At the end of each session, the children will receive a sticker to place on their Let’s Kick It chart.

This week’s theme: Shooting
Thursday 28 March from 10:00am to 11:00am
Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG

Up coming sessions and themes:
Thursday 28 March: Teamwork

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Join us at The Hollies for a FREE Let’s Kick It! Session.

Let’s Kick It! is a 6 week programme to support and develop football skills in early years. The programme will focus on passing skills, dribbling, shooting and teamwork. At the end of each session, the children will receive a sticker to place on their Let’s Kick It chart.

This week’s theme: Passing Skills
Thursday 21 March from 10:00am to 11:00am
Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG

Up coming sessions and themes:
Thursday 28 March: Dribbling practice

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email: