Calling all green thumbs, budding gardeners, and anyone who enjoys a bit of fun in the dirt! Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School is excited to invite you to our brand new Community Gardening Club!

This club is open to everyone in the community – parents, grandparents, children, and anyone else with a love for plants. We’ll be getting our hands dirty (in a good way!) with a variety of activities, from planting seeds and tending to seedlings to arts and crafts with a gardening theme.

When: August 5, 2pm to 3pm
Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, Beechbank Avenue, Creekmoor, Poole, BH17 7FF

Here’s what you can expect:

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a complete novice, there’s something for everyone at the Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School Community Gardening Club. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills, get some exercise in the fresh air, and connect with your community.

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, Beechbank Avenue, Creekmoor, Poole, BH17 7FF
☎  Call: 01202 698 427
📩  Email:


Calling all green thumbs, budding gardeners, and anyone who enjoys a bit of fun in the dirt! Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School is excited to invite you to our brand new Community Gardening Club!

This club is open to everyone in the community – parents, grandparents, children, and anyone else with a love for plants. We’ll be getting our hands dirty (in a good way!) with a variety of activities, from planting seeds and tending to seedlings to arts and crafts with a gardening theme.

When: July 15, 2pm to 3pm
Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, Beechbank Avenue, Creekmoor, Poole, BH17 7FF

Here’s what you can expect:

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a complete novice, there’s something for everyone at the Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School Community Gardening Club. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills, get some exercise in the fresh air, and connect with your community.

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, Beechbank Avenue, Creekmoor, Poole, BH17 7FF
☎  Call: 01202 698 427
📩  Email:


Happy Days at Longhedge, Salisbury are hosting a FREE Stay and Play Sessions for under 2’s.

Where: Happy Days Nursery, Longhedge, Salisbury

Treasure Baskets Stay & Play – Friday 28th June | 2.30-3.30pm
Music & Movement Stay & Play – Friday 12th July | 10-11am

This is a fantastic chance to:
– Meet other local parents and connect while your child enjoys fun activities.
– Let your child explore engaging experiences prepared by our experienced nursery practitioners.
– Since you’re in the nursery, why not ask about the latest government financial support for childcare costs – the team will be pleased to help!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have some fun and build connections in your community. Book early as places are limited!

Where: Happy Days Nursery, Rhodes Moorhouse Way, Longhedge Village, Salisbury, SP4 6SA
Call: 01722 510 009

Happy Days at Longhedge, Salisbury are hosting a FREE Stay and Play Session.

When: 26 April 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Where: Happy Days Nursery, Longhedge, Salisbury

This is a fantastic chance to:
– Meet other local parents and connect while your child enjoys fun activities.
– Let your child explore engaging experiences prepared by our experienced nursery practitioners.
– Since you’re in the nursery, why not ask about the latest government financial support for childcare costs – the team will be pleased to help!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have some fun and build connections in your community. Book early as places are limited!

📍 Where: Happy Days Nursery, Rhodes Moorhouse Way, Longhedge Village, Salisbury, SP4 6SA
☎ Call: 01722 510 009
📩 Email:

Come join us for some gardening fun, suitable for children aged 2 and above!

We’ll be:

🌻 Decorating plant pots
🌻 Planting seeds to watch them grow big and tall!

What a great way to spend the morning, we hope you can join us!

The Details:

Please book in to avoid disappointment! 

📞  Call: 0800 783 3431
📧  Email:

Calling all little Picassos and Rembrandts!

Bring your child (aged 2 and up) to our exciting Messy Play & Crafts session!

They’ll have a blast exploring their creativity with a variety of fun materials like paint, play dough, and more!

It’s a perfect opportunity for sensory exploration, developing fine motor skills, and letting their imaginations run wild.


What to bring:

Space is limited, so please book your place today!

📍    Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, 19 Church Hill, Verwood, BH31 6HT
📞  Call: 0800 783 3431
📧  Email:

Join us for FREE Stay and Play Sessions!

We will be running our Let’s Grow programme where the children will have the opportunity to engage in planting and gardening activities, helping them develop their understanding of the natural world, begin to appreciate its beauty and learn to take care of it.

These sessions also provide parents with the opportunity to meet and connect with other local parents.
When: 10:00 – 11:00 on:
Friday 10 May | Let’s Grow for 2-3 yr olds
Friday 17 May | Let‘s Grow for 2-3 yr olds
Friday 24 May | Let‘s Grow for 3-5 yr olds
Friday 31 May | Let‘s Grow for 3-5yr olds
Booking essential, book early as places are limited

📍  Where: Happy Days Nursery & Pre-School, Chessel Drive, Patchway, Bristol, BS34 5UZ
☎  Call: 0117 379 0360
📩  Email:


Gwnewch Ffrindiau Newydd a Chwarae yn The Hollies!

Chwilio am ofod meithrin i chi a’ch plentyn bach (0-2 oed) i gysylltu â rhieni eraill o Gaerdydd?

Mae Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies yn eich gwahodd yn gynnes i’n sesiwn Aros a Chwarae! Gadewch i’ch plentyn archwilio ein hamgylchedd diogel ac ysgogol sy’n llawn teganau, gemau a gweithgareddau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran – a’r cyfan o dan lygad barcud ein hymarferwyr meithrinfa profiadol.

Budd-daliadau i chi a’ch plentyn:

Mae ein sesiynau Aros a Chwarae yn cynnig:

Ymunwch â’n cymuned sy’n tyfu!

Dydd Mercher 29 Mai, 10am – 11am
Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies,9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Caerdydd, CF11 8DG
Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ar gael. RSVP heddiw! 
02920378177 neu


Free stay and play for under 2s at The Hollies, Cardiff

Looking for a nurturing space for you and your little one (aged 0-2) to connect with other Cardiff parents?

The Hollies Daycare Nursery warmly invites you to our Stay & Play session! Let your child explore our safe and stimulating environment filled with age-appropriate toys, games, and activities – all under the watchful eye of our experienced nursery practitioners.

Benefits for you and your child:

Our Stay & Play sessions offer:

Join our growing community!

Wednesday 29 May, 10am to 11am

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Arhosiad a chwarae am ddim i’r rhai dros 2 oed yn The Hollies, Caerdydd

Yn galw ar holl rieni Caerdydd sydd â phlant 2 oed a hŷn!

Chwilio am fore o chwarae llawn dychymyg a chysylltiadau cymdeithasol i’ch plentyn? Mae Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies yn eich gwahodd i’n sesiwn aros a chwarae am ddim cyffrous!

Dyma pam na fyddwch chi a’ch plentyn am ei golli:
▪  Spark dychymyg: Mae amgylchedd ein meithrinfa yn llawn gweithgareddau, gemau a theganau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran i danio creadigrwydd a chwilfrydedd eich plentyn.
▪  Gwneud ffrindiau newydd: Gadewch i’ch plentyn feithrin sgiliau cymdeithasol a chyfeillgarwch trwy chwarae rhyngweithiol gyda phlant eraill.
▪  Cysylltwch â rhieni eraill: Mwynhewch fore hamddenol gyda rhieni eraill Caerdydd tra bod eich plant yn archwilio ac yn cael hwyl.

Budd-daliadau i’ch plentyn:
▪  Datblygu sgiliau cymdeithasol trwy chwarae rhyngweithiol.
▪  Gwella datblygiad gwybyddol trwy weithgareddau ysgogol.
▪  Meithrin hyder trwy archwilio a darganfod.

Ymlaciwch a chysylltwch â rhieni eraill tra bod eich plentyn:
▪  Cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau sy’n briodol i’w hoedran.
▪  Gwneud ffrindiau newydd mewn amgylchedd diogel dan oruchwyliaeth.
▪  Yn cael hwyl ac yn dysgu trwy chwarae.

Ymunwch â’n cymuned sy’n tyfu!

Dydd Mercher 22 Mai, 10am – 11am
Meithrinfa Gofal Dydd Hollies,9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Caerdydd, CF11 8DG
Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ar gael. RSVP heddiw!
02920378177 neu


Free stay and play for over 2s at The Hollies, Cardiff

Calling all Cardiff parents with children aged 2 and over!

Looking for a morning of imaginative play and social connections for your child? Hollies Day Care Nursery invites you to our exciting free wait and play session!

Here’s why you and your child won’t want to miss it:

Benefits for your child:

Relax and connect with other parents while your child:

Join our growing community!

Wednesday 22 May, 10am to 11am

Book early as places are limited
📍  Where: The Hollies Daycare Nursery, 9 Sanatorium Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF11 8DG
☎  Call: 02920 378177
📩  Email:


Happy Days at Longhedge, Salisbury are hosting a FREE Stay and Play Sessions for under 2’s.

Where: Happy Days Nursery, Longhedge, Salisbury

Treasure Baskets Stay & Play – Friday 28th June | 2.30-3.30pm
Music & Movement Stay & Play – Friday 12th July | 10-11am

This is a fantastic chance to:
– Meet other local parents and connect while your child enjoys fun activities.
– Let your child explore engaging experiences prepared by our experienced nursery practitioners.
– Since you’re in the nursery, why not ask about the latest government financial support for childcare costs – the team will be pleased to help!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have some fun and build connections in your community. Book early as places are limited!

Where: Happy Days Nursery, Rhodes Moorhouse Way, Longhedge Village, Salisbury, SP4 6SA
Call: 01722 510 009