Frequently Asked
Any questions? We’re here to help.

How do you keep parent’s informed of their child’s progress?
A.We have recently implemented ParentZone to the majority of our nurseries, providing you with instant access via an app of your child’s development and progress. Visit for more information.
As well as regular updates via ParentZone throughout the day, when collecting your child you will be provide with a verbal communication on their day. Including the learning opportunities that they’ve participated in, nappy changes, sleep times and meals etc.
We also hold regular parents evenings where you will be able to have a more in depth conversation around your child’s learning and development with your child’s key person.
How do you support children’s learning and development?
A.Our unique curriculum, Where Children Shine, has been developed to provide opportunities for children to learn, explore and discover, whilst attending a Happy Days Nursery.
The curriculum reflects Happy Days vision and values ensuring all children have the best possible start in life, enabling them to reach their full potential to become strong and motivated learners for life.
This play based curriculum supports the delivery of the seven Educational Programmes as defined within the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (England) and the mandatory elements of Curriculum for Wales, focusing on the needs of the developing child through the five developmental pathways. It values children as unique, strong, capable and resilient individuals and recognises that play is fundamental for children’s learning and development.
What are the ratios of staff to children?
A.In England the legal requirements are:
0-2 years – 1:3 ratio
2-3 – 1:5 ratio (but the majority of our settings usually operate on a 1:4 ratio)
Over 3 – 1:8 ratio
In Wales the National Minimum Standards are
0-2 years – 1:3 ratio
2-3 – 1:4 ratio
Over 3 – 1:8 ratio
What qualifications do your staff have?
A.The requirements are a minimum of 50% qualified staff to unqualified. Our qualified staff hold a minimum of a Level 2 in Childcare with many at or working towards Level 3. All our senior team in nursery hold a Level 3 or above. We have paediatric first aid trained staff within our nurseries, which is renewed every three years.
Fees & Funding
What do your fees include?
A.Where a child is accessing Early Years Education Entitlement, our supplement charge for these funded hours includes the cost for meals, snacks and drinks.
Where a child is accessing The Childcare Offer for Wales, a charge is made for meals and snacks.
Do you provide Government Early Years Education Entitlement/The Childcare Offer for Wales?
A.Visit our Affordable Childcare page for more information or speak to your local nursery manager.
Is there a deposit payable to register for a place?
A.No, there is no deposit payable, just a non-refundable Registration Fee. Contact your local nursery for details of the amount payable.
When are fees payable?
A.Fees are payable monthly in advance, on the first day of each month by either Direct Debit, voucher or Tax-Free Childcare.
Do I have to pay when my child is away from nursery due to illness or holiday?
A.Yes, fees are payable because the Nursery must reserve a place for the child with appropriate staffing in advance. Any extended absence through sickness will be charged at the discretion of the Nursery Manager.
Nursery Life
What will my child be doing at nursery?
A.Your child will be involved in a number of learning opportunities, some adult led and others child led, helping them learn through play. Our unique curriculum is woven into your child’s daily routine and we will work with you to support your child’s individual needs.
Outdoor play is important and, in the majority of our settings, children have access to outdoors directly from their room and can free flow from inside to outside during the day.
What if my child does not settle?
A.Our unique settling in process starts 6-8 weeks before your child’s start date, with the first few visits to nursery lasting only an hour, with you, their parent, staying with them. We will work at your child’s pace, gradually lengthening the time they are in nursery and are away from their parent. The settling in process can take as long as your child needs.
Will my child be taken on trips?
A.Yes, our nurseries are an important part of the community and often take the children on walks into the local community to visit the local park, library, care home etc.
My child is a fussy eater, what if they don’t like anything on your menu?
A.We will always offer your child what is on the menu in the first instance, and will continue to offer this as children’s taste buds evolve and they may come to enjoy food they haven’t eaten in the past.
No child will go hungry and we can offer an alternative should your child refuse to eat the meal on offer.
Many parents find their child happily eats many different foods at nursery that they will not eat at home!
How do you cater for my child’s allergies or dietary requirements?
A.We make sure to obtain any information regarding special dietary requirements, preferences, and food allergies before your child starts with us. We ensure that every child’s individual dietary needs are met with the implementation of our robust dietary policy and procedures.
During our induction process, staff have Food Allergy Awareness training as well as Food Hygiene Level 2.
How do you support my child to move onto solid foods?
A.We offer a separate weaning menu for when you begin to introduce your baby to solid foods, working in close consultation with you during this process. We make sure to only offer food that your baby has previously tried at home.
Can I bring a packed lunch in for my child?
A.Unfortunately, no, we do not allow packed lunches in nursery due to dietary requirements and allergies within our nurseries.