Resilient & Motivated
This aspect of the curriculum develops a positive sense of self, supporting confidence, and developing strong relationships.

This aspect of the curriculum develops a positive sense of self, supporting confidence, and developing strong relationships.
It is underpinned by Personal, Social, & Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts & Design.
Every nursery will deliver the following programmes to support this aspect of the curriculum:
- Key Person Approach
- Yoga Programme
- Mindfulness Programme
Key Person Approach
The Happy Days Key Person Approach ensures that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs. The Key person will provide consistent and continuous care in order to support the development of close attachments which supports a child’s emotional well-being, providing a secure base from which to learn. Children thrive when their needs are met by people they know, trust and respect.

Many studies have shown that mindful exercises have positive benefits on children. They can increase attention span, develop social skills, enhance focus, promote happiness and improve mental and emotional health. Mindfulness is paying full attention to something, it means slowing down and really noticing what you are doing, being mindful is the opposite of rushing or multitasking, mindfulness means you are taking your time, and you are focusing in a relaxed and easy way.

When participating in the mindfulness programme children will have opportunity to explore through their senses allowing them to develop greater self-awareness, self-regulation and increased focus.
When participating in the programme children will have the opportunity to explore age appropriate Yoga poses with early years practitioners supporting them to develop a positive sense of self and support their confidence in developing key person relationships. The poses can also form part of a wider activity, and although adult led can be extended depending on the children’s interests, becoming more of a child led opportunity.

Researchers believe that yoga poses (asanas) are good for children. They believe that it helps children to be calmer, more able to concentrate and focus, and that it promotes better breathing and relaxation to restore body. It helps towards better preparation for school and beyond.